Miyerkules, Oktubre 12, 2016

How to use shabu

In the Philippines, the term for methamphetamine hydrochloride or crystal meth is shabu. It is popular among Filipino drug users because it is relatively cheaper and easier to purchase than other substances. Thus, shabu is also known as the poor man’s cocaine.
The Philippines, in term of illicit drugs, has a growing domestic methamphetamine production alongside being a major consumer ofamphetamines and growing of marijuana in the rural areas. Government agencies have launched major crackdowns and seizures amidst this growing production. The country ranks high together with countries that have big methamphetamine supplies going to North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia as reported by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Methods of administration
1. Injection. This poses greater risks for developing blockage of the main lung artery. Injecting this substance causes skin bumps, rashes, and infections. Sharing of common needles also increases the risk of getting blood-borne conditions such as hepatitisor HIV.
2. Smoking though inhalation of vaporized fumes using glass pipes or aluminium foils where a flame is lighted underneath.
3. Insufflication or snorting the fine powder by crushing the methamphetamine. This enables the substance to be inhaled into the nose where it will be absorbed into the mucous membrane of the sinus cavity directly going into the bloodstream.
4. Suppository. One less known way to administer methamphetamine which requires an oral syringe for the dissolved substance.

Health issues for shabu users
Several health issues connected with the use of shabu are as follows:
§  Meth mouth. A condition where shabu users lose their teeth quickly. This results from bruxism or teeth grinding, dry mouth, and poor oral hygiene.
§  Personal hygiene and serious health and appearance issues. Caused by not keeping up with personal hygiene habits, use of unsterilized needles, and skin-picking among others.
§  Increased risk in having sexually-transmitted diseases. Shabu users are likely to have unprotected sexual intercourse.
§  Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Highly at risk since methamphetamine passes through the placenta and is secreted into breast milk. Infants with shabu user mothers are smaller in terms of weight and head circumference.
§  Respiratory problems, lung damage and even death. Caused by fumes coming from shabu laboratories. Chemical residues pollute the soil and cause damage to the environment and to the people living near the area where these are thrown away.

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